BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:spatie/icalendar-generator BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Chicago BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240310T010000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241103T010000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20250309T010000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20240531T151116 TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f3e35ad4-fe95-5004-ba8f-5a229260205c DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240903T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240903T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1d7098a9-50cc-5d45-ad7f-f03d8897caae DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons 109 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240910T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240910T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e3234a43-0707-56d6-aa66-0ae0b2e7d54a DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons 109 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240917T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240917T203000 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b1e9dace-8dff-5e8e-b3ec-348ab8dd61ff DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons 109 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240924T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240924T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:44c17ab6-8e91-53f8-820c-8a0e4b9152eb DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons 109 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241015T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241015T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8d3dbeb9-5297-5e5c-893d-4f30ccfcfb34 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons 109 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241022T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241022T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:cc5c78e4-4af7-54e4-b22e-389f603ee287 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241105T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241105T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:df7247d8-6ee1-50a1-8bec-bc140ef1f5a7 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241119T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241119T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:dc0dfd22-ebcb-5b89-a599-e5e0fcbfad39 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20241203T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20241203T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:fcb34df5-d952-54e4-b90d-6d4c75c22ea6 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250204T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250204T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d5e89ce4-2c82-584b-bf68-f479f1eca85b DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250218T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250218T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a808ef3b-4441-5b29-84e2-546d0dd3d036 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250304T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250304T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b30ec61f-b9a8-5f34-92b3-5bd78e73a9f6 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250318T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250318T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:73a37cf8-7028-5a58-9ced-f6041298149d DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250401T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250401T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2086b28b-f126-57bd-bd8f-7d1cd4b16fd0 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250415T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250415T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!
END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9800be37-b03f-5c96-9091-21051262f793 DTSTAMP:20250225T151116Z SUMMARY:Residential Housing Association General Assembly DESCRIPTION:General Assembly (GA) \n \nWelcome to the GAs—your biweekly r endezvous of excitement\, connection\, and growth! Held every other week a t 7 PM In Commons 109\, and organized by our  \;Residential Housing As sociation Executive Board\, this is where the magic happens. \n \nExpect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speak ers from campus and the community\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time to share your thoughts\, connect with fellow me mbers\, and experience the joy of growing together. \n \nDon’t miss out —GAs are where we make great things happen! LOCATION:Commons URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250422T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250422T201500 X-HOSTS:Residential Housing Association X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:General Assembly (GA)
< p>Welcome to the GAs—your biweekly rendezvous of excitement\, con nection\, and growth! Held every other week at 7 PM In Commons 109\, and o rganized by our  \;Residential Housing Association Executive Board\, t his is where the magic happens.Expect a delicious meal or treat to tickle your taste buds\, inspiring guest speakers from campus and the comm unity\, and thrilling council updates. Plus\, you'll have plenty of time t o share your thoughts\, connect with fellow members\, and experience the j oy of growing together.
Don’t miss out—GAs are where we make gre at things happen!