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Ukrainian Club

Pysanka: Easter Egg making workshop

  • When

    Tuesday, February 11, 2025 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

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  • Where

    496 OLSEN BLVD., PLPM building MS 2132 RM 100, Texas A&M Univercity, 77843


For more than 10 years, an independent and sovereign nation, Ukraine, has been dealing with an invader. We hope to fight through art, educating the wider American public on Ukraine's vast and unique cultural heritage by honoring the tradition of writing Pysanky.
INTEREST FORM https://forms.gle/1CMu2DySh9SgLsgY9
cost: $25 adults, $15 students, children $10 (participating Family will get a discount)

=== About Pysanka ===Pysanka is the name of an intricately decorated Ukrainian Easter egg created using a wax-resist technique, the earliest samples of which date back to the XI-XIII centuries. The word "Pysanka" is akin to the Ukrainian word "писати" (pronounced pih-s-a-t-ih) which means "to write" in Ukrainian. 

The designs adorning the eggs are rich in symbolism, and therefore, the eggs are often "written" with messages of love, prosperity, peace, and hope.
Legend tells the story of a monster, the personification of evil, in the Carpathian mountains. 

in that story, the more pysanky people make, the tighter the chains are wrapped around the monster, keeping it at bay so that it doesn’t destroy the world.

Ukrainian Club

-Promote Ukrainian culture and traditions to the Texas A&M University by organizing lectures, seminars, and social activities.  Helping new Ukrainian students at Texas A&M University by welcoming them and finding appropriate living place.  Coordinating between Texas A&M University and other Ukrainian universities to establish educational cooperation and try to open new scopes of assistance to improve the educational process in Ukrainian universities.  Raising funds for humanitarian aid to Ukrainian people due to the ongoing hostilities in the region.