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Aggie Eco-Representatives

Earth Day 5K Fun Run

  • When

    Saturday, April 27, 2024 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Add to iCal/Outlook

  • Where

    Polo Garage


Howdy Aggies! The Eco-Reps will be holding our second annual Earth Day Fun Run for campus sustainability. 

Sign up Here!: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeD5VByjM0ymjPegkeqLRBZjrfFy4ViyJJXvqs0SJHliTxwAw/viewform

This event costs $25, as we are fundraising for a new, larger space for our Swap Shop! If you are with the first 30 people to sign up, you will receive a free Eco Reps T-Shirt!

Check in is at the Polo Road Garage @ 8 am. The route will travel around the East and South ends of campus near the golf course, Bonfire Memorial, and Admin building.

Snacks and refreshments will be available before and after the run.

Don't want to run or walk? We are still in need of volunteers to help navigate runners. If you are interested, Please sign up here: Aggie Eco Reps: 5k fun run (signupgenius.com)



Aggie Eco-Representatives

The Aggie Eco-Reps are a student-run organization devoted to spreading sustainability on campus. Our mission is to provide students with the education and opportunity to promote and continue sustainability.


We operate under the Department of Residence Life and advance the department's mission to make sustainability an Aggie tradition. 

Other Events

General Meeting

Sunday, March 2 at 7:00 PM