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Freshman Leaders Establishing Excellence

FLEX Freshman Member

This position is closed.

The purpose of FLEX is to provide freshmen with an opportunity to expand their Aggie Network through meeting new freshmen, upperclassmen, and guest speakers. This is an opportunity for freshmen to develop, mature, and build lasting friendships through social and service events within the community, both on and off-campus. It is our mission to foster a supportive, inclusive, and nurturing environment that upholds the integrity of our organization and guides freshmen into becoming leaders at Texas A&M. FLEX encourages its members to pursue the best versions of themselves and equip freshmen to leave a positive impact at Texas A&M and beyond. As a member of this organization, you will be a part of one of five zones: Leadership Development, Service, Public Relations, Social, and Fundraising. These zones, headed by one Executive and three Zone Leaders, serve as the pillars that uphold the core values FLEX was founded on. Beyond zones, freshmen will be placed in families within our Big-Little program, where each person will be joined by three other freshmen guided by two sophomore Bigs and one upperclassman Grand Big. 

Expectations: Members will uphold the core values of the organization and abide by the organization's policies and regulations. 

Requirements: No major requirement.

Dues: $185 for both semesters which covers your All-FLEX shirt along with all social events, such as Fall and Spring retreat, semi-formal, a tailgate, and banquet. We offer a need-based scholarship to cover dues and offer the option to spread payment through installment plans. 

Meetings: Mandatory meetings Mondays at 8:30 PM in the MSC.

Events: Throughout the semester FLEX will host many social and service opportunities for freshmen to attend. These events include Fall and Spring Retreat, Big Event, Study Nights, Gumby's nights, Monthly Service Activities, Semi-formal, and End of Year Banquet, along with other student-organization led events. We encourage freshmen to take charge of planning and running FLEX events as they are the leaders of this organization. 

Informational Dates:
August 29th @ 5:15 - 6:15 in ILCB 111

Career Center Application Help:

Strengthen Your Application: August 31st 5:30 PM in Koldus 209

Prepare for Your Interview: September 15 5:30 PM in Koldus 209

Hang out Dates:

September 2nd at Century Square (Blaze Profit Share) 6-9pm

Applications: Due Friday, September 13th at midnight.