MSC ALOT Group Leader
Please note that this application is not for a specific subcommittee Group Leader role. Applicants apply for the position, and are assigned a subcommittee to help manage as seen fit by the 2023-2024 Chair, Vice-Chair, Advisor, and Executive team.
Career Center Resume and Cover Letter Help: https://careercenter.tamu.edu/Resources/Graduate-Students/Resumes-Cover-letters
General Group Leader Duties/Requirements:
- Attend all General Committee meetings.
- Attend all Staff meetings.
- Attend/plan subcommittee hangouts for your subcommittee.
- Attend all staff retreats.
- Attend all Subcommittee Meetings.
- Plan and attend weekly family times.
- Be available to meet with any member of your subcommittee or family when needed.
- Be open to all members with ideas or concerns and respect their opinions.
- Continuously promote a Universally Accepting Environment throughout MSC ALOT.
- Follow and promote MSC ALOT’s values, mission, and vision at all times.
- Keep up to date with what the committee is doing.
- Maintain open communication between the Group Leader's partner, Executive, Vice Chair, Chair and Advisor at all times.
- Be honest with your Executive at all times about all aspects of your subcommittee.
- Keep track of your family member’s absences.
- Plan MSC ALOT recruitment and interview and read applications of all incoming freshmen..
- Encourage an environment that supports creativity.
- Attend Staff Retreat in May.
- Attend summer workdays (2 or 3 days during Summer Break on a weekend, dates TBD).
Development Group Leader Additional Job Duties/Requirements:
- Work with Chair, Vice-Chair, and Development Executive to create MSC ALOT’s Development Priorities and Plan (due in the summer).
- Assist with MSC ALOT’s Big Staff advancements with the Development Executive.
- Maintain relations with “ALOTers” from previous years.
- Potentially assist the Development Executive in overseeing MSC ALOT’s fundraising efforts, grant applications, social media, website, newsletter, sponsorships, and donor relations (specific roles to be determined by the executive).
- Any other assigned development duties.
Meeting Requirements (Tentative):
Meeting Type | Meeting Description | Frequency |
Staff | Synchronize members of the MSC ALOT Programming Staff, actively problem solve, and participate in developmental workshops for staff members. | Weekly |
General Committee | Facilitate leadership development amongst freshmen and provide updates to the entire committee. | Weekly |
Subcommittee Staff | GLs will meet weekly with their Executive for subco-related discussions. | Weekly |
Subcommittee* | Group Leaders will assist in facilitating these meetings alongside their executive. These meetings should be a variation of leadership, programming/professionalism, and social development activities appropriately planned. | Weekly |
*Not applicable for Development Group Leaders
Important note: We highly encourage you to meet with/contact any current Group Leader, Executive, Chair, Vice-Chair, or Advisor to discuss the role or any questions you may have pertaining to the position.