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MSC ALOT Group Leader

Posted 5 days ago
Closing on Apr 11, 2025 11:59 pm

Please note that this application is not for a specific subcommittee Group Leader role. Applicants apply for the position, and are assigned a subcommittee to help manage as seen fit by the 2023-2024 Chair, Vice-Chair, Advisor, and Executive team. 

Career Center Resume and Cover Letter Help: https://careercenter.tamu.edu/Resources/Graduate-Students/Resumes-Cover-letters

General Group Leader Duties/Requirements:


Development Group Leader Additional Job Duties/Requirements:


Meeting Requirements (Tentative):

Meeting TypeMeeting DescriptionFrequency
StaffSynchronize members of the MSC ALOT Programming Staff, actively problem solve, and participate in developmental workshops for staff members.Weekly
General CommitteeFacilitate leadership development amongst freshmen and provide updates to the entire committee.Weekly
Subcommittee StaffGLs will meet weekly with their Executive for subco-related discussions.Weekly
Subcommittee*Group Leaders will assist in facilitating these meetings alongside their executive. These meetings should be a variation of leadership, programming/professionalism, and social development activities appropriately planned.Weekly

*Not applicable for Development Group Leaders

Important note: We highly encourage you to meet with/contact any current Group Leader, Executive, Chair, Vice-Chair, or Advisor to discuss the role or any questions you may have pertaining to the position.