MSC Student Conference on National Affairs

The International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise [ISCNE] '70
Memorial Student Center
The International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise (ISCNE) is a co-program with MSC SCONA and the U.S. Army War College. Military experts and professors will guide students as they negotiate through a simulated crisis in an international conflict zone. Students will act as representatives of various countries, media, and government entities in relation to a chosen scenario to perform this simulation. In the process of this exercise, students' diplomatic, international, and creative skills will be challenged. The event will be held on February 11-12, 2025 and our ISCNE delegates will be provided four meals throughout the event. |
MSC Student Conference on National Affairs
MSC Student Conference on National Affairs provides programs for students across Texas, the nation, and the world to exchange ideas and discuss the role of the United States in the global community.