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Executive Vice President of Business

Closing on Feb 10, 2025 5:00 pm

General summary of this position:

The Executive Vice President of Business shall coordinate the establishment of vision and recommendation of policies for administrative functions and committee development in the MSC Council and ensure the overall planning, coordination, and evaluation of all MSCC administrative areas in conjunction with the Vice President of Business (as defined in section 4 of this article). The Executive Vice President of Business shall oversee the MSCC Resource Directors, represent the administrative interests of the committees in the MSCC Executive Team, and represent these interests within the MSC Stakeholders. This officer shall also maintain the MSCC Constitution and MSCC Policy Guide, and serve as the MSCC's Parliamentarian. This officer shall also perform other duties as assigned by the MSCC President.

Minimum Requirement: One year of MSC Leadership experience or equivalent.

Meeting Requirements

Meeting Type Meeting Description Reoccurrence (weekly, monthly, etc) 
Executive Team (E-Team)Weekly meeting with the MSC President, Director, Executive Vice Presidents, and their advisorsWeekly
MSC AdvisorsMeet with Advisors to the EVPB (Resource Team advisors, as needed)Weekly or as needed
MSC StakeholdersAdvisory board to the MSCEvery 3 weeks
VP BusinessMeetings with Vice President of BusinessWeekly
Resource DirectorsMeetings with MSCC Resource DirectorsWeekly/as needed
Committee Chairs Periodic meetings with chairs to discuss problems, goals, etc. 

As needed 


Campus Committees Occasional student leader functions, committees, meetings, etc. As needed 

Significant changes or additional functions for this position in the upcoming year:

Learning Outcomes: What skills or knowledge is the individual in this position expected to gain?

Preferred experience, knowledge, and/or skills:


Required MSC Officer Responsibilities: