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Executive Vice President of Diversity

Closing on Feb 10, 2025 5:00 pm

Job Summary

The Executive Vice President of Diversity (EVPD) assesses climate and demographics, manages budget, and facilitates diversity program assemblies and an annual unity event.  This position oversees two Vice Presidents of Diversity. This position is expected to represent the MSC at various functions and events at Texas A&M as assigned.  

Minimum Requirements

Significant changes or additional functions for this position in the upcoming year


Meeting Requirements

Meeting TypeMeeting DescriptionFrequency
MSCC Executive TeamWeekly meeting of MSC leadershipWeekly
MSCC Diversity TeamMeeting with advisor and VPsWeekly and as needed
MSC StakeholdersAdvisory board to the MSCAs Needed
Diversity Program Assembly (DPA)Diversity Official Business/TrainingEvery 3 weeks
MSCC Chair 1:1sBuild rapport and troubleshootAs Needed
MSCC GCM Meetings Announce MSCC Official BusinessAs Assigned
Vice President of Diversity 1:1sVariousAs Needed

Job Duties

Duty TitleDescription
  • Works with Student Affairs, Planning, Research and Assessment (SAPAR) on the following assessments:
    • Demographics Dashboard (October) - Collects UINs for all MSCC members
    • Climate Survey / Climate Focus Group (Bi-Annual) (November - December) - Facilitates a council-wide survey and small focus group sessions to evaluate climate in the organization
    • Makes informed recommendations on diversity efforts with team based on these assessments
Unity Event
  • Plans/Facilitates a Unity event in conjunction with Leadership Launch (April)
Diversity Program Assembly
  • Facilitates monthly meetings for MSCC Officers to discuss official diversity business and trainings.  Coordinate/Delegate topics to team
Budget Management
  • Oversees the budget process and tracks all spending for the team.


Learning Outcomes

 Preferred Experience, Knowledge, and/or Skills:


Required MSC Council Officer Responsibilities: