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Executive Vice President of Programs

Closing on Feb 10, 2025 5:00 pm

General summary of this position:

The MSCC Executive Vice President of Programs (EVPP) is a member of the MSCC Executive Team, oversees all external MSC programming activities, leads the Vice Presidents of Programs, and chairs the Programs Team. The EVPP performs the duties of the President in his/her absence. The EVPP is responsible for MSCC programming policy enforcement and for proposing programming policy changes to the Executive Team. In accepting the position, the EVPP agrees to fulfill the duties outlined in the MSCC Constitution and to represent the MSCC in a positive manner. The EVPP represents the interests of MSCC Committees and Vice Presidents of Programs, providing insight and feedback to the MSC Stakeholders.

Minimum Requirement: One year of MSC Leadership experience or equivalent.

Meeting Requirements

Meeting Type Meeting Description Reoccurrence
Programs Team  Meet to coordinate program assembly agendas/set programming policies  Weekly 
Executive Team  Meeting with all executive officers and Advisors in the MSC to set the vision and direction of the MSC  Weekly 
Program Assemblies Sit in on Assembly Meetings to observe the Vice Presidents and serve as a resource when needed  Bi-weekly 
MSC Stakeholders Advisory board to the MSC, provide relevant information to those in attendanceSemesterly 
EVPP Advisor  Meet with advisor to set agenda for Programs Team meeting and work on other issues  Weekly or more 
VPs of Programs  Meet with VPs to coordinate efforts and implement policies as needed 
Miscellaneous  Projects, DSA job searches, President substitute, etc  Varies 


Significant changes or additional functions for this position in the upcoming year:


Learning Outcomes

Preferred Experience, Knowledge, and/or Skills:


Required MSC Council Officer Responsibilities: