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Ratio Christi

Responding to Old Testament Objections

The Forum by Ratio Christi

  • When

    Sunday, April 27, 2025 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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  • Where

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)


The Forum is a group of students that meet to discuss shared topics of interest, whether an essay, short story, podcast, or movie. Each meeting is stand-alone, which means you can come to any discussion that interests you. 

We will discuss:

All Occurrences

  1. How to Have Good Conversations with People You Disagree With | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  2. Trotter Prize: Who is Rosalind Picard? | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  3. Why Hermeneutics Matter | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  4. Reading Tolkien's Short Story | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  5. Plato's Allegory of the Cave | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  6. What is Original Sin? | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  7. Man or Rabbit? A C.S. Lewis Essay | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)
  8. Responding to Old Testament Objections | The Forum by Ratio Christi

    Julie's house (Join our Slack for details)

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Ratio Christi

Ratio Christi serves to defend the Christian faith in honest dialogue with both our skeptical & believing friends at Texas A&M. Together, we investigate the historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for the truth, rationality, and significance of the message of Jesus Christ. All faiths, questions, and objections welcome! 

Join our Slack server here to get started!

Please visit tx.ag/ratiochristi for more information about us. 

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