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Ratio Christi

➡️ Kalam Cosmological Argument

Foundations of Apologetics

  • When

    Friday, March 28, 2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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  • Where

    All Faiths Chapel Meditation Room 1


We’ll ponder scientific and philosophical considerations that indicate that the universe had a beginning, implying God’s existence as the sufficient reason for this beginning.

Ratio Christi’s Foundations teaches the basics of defending the Christian faith so that we can better engage our skeptical & believing friends at Texas A&M.

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📘 The Foundations Student Booklet is accessible here.

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All Occurrences

  1. ➡️ Kalam Cosmological Argument | Foundations of Apologetics

    All Faiths Chapel Meditation Room 1
  2. 🪦 Problem of Evil | Foundations of Apologetics

    All Faiths Chapel Meditation Room 1

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Ratio Christi

Ratio Christi serves to defend the Christian faith in honest dialogue with both our skeptical & believing friends at Texas A&M. Together, we investigate the historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for the truth, rationality, and significance of the message of Jesus Christ. All faiths, questions, and objections welcome!

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