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MSC Open House - The Aggie Arthouse

  • When

    Sunday, January 19, 2025 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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  • Where

    MSC 2nd Floor - Main Hallway - Table 2-023


Visit the main MSC Open House web site or Follow Instagram for all the latest MSC Open House news, updates and information. Admission is free and open to all Texas A&M students.

  1. Plan Ahead – Start by going to the MSC Open House’s page. Check out the organizations that have registered (the list will be updated periodically as additional organizations complete their registration), and mark your interest in the ones you would like to visit on the day of the event. After tables are assigned, the page in Get Involved will provide a personalized itinerary to efficiently visit all the organizations you have marked.
  2. Make It Fun – Go with friends, roommates, Fish Camp DG.
  3. Stay Charged – During the event, many organizations will display QR codes at their tables. Make sure your phone has plenty of battery life to scan the codes as you visit.
  4. Be Prepared – Know what questions you would like to ask.
  5. Stay Hydrated! – Organizations will be located both inside and outside the Memorial Student Center building.

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The Aggie Arthouse

We are a film society founded on the TAMU Campus. Our mission is to organize screenings of foreign, independent, and classic cinema and market the events to the greater student body of Texas A&M to bring together an inclusive and diverse community of movie lovers. In doing so, we hope to broaden viewers' perspectives and encourage conversation amongst peers through exposing them to wide variety of eras, countries, languages, cultures, genres and attitudes right on our own campus.

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