Fish Aides
Fish Aides Freshman Member
Fish Aides is a Freshman Leadership Organization within the Student Government Association designed to develop and empower Texas A&M’s leaders of tomorrow by providing them leadership opportunities today. We believe this is accomplished by focusing on the cultivation of purpose, integrity, confidence, community, and service, while providing a positive forum for the development of the leadership and social skills necessary to maximize a freshman’s potential. Fish Aides is a community that seeks to empower not only its own members but also every individual its members encounter through encouragement, enthusiasm, and service. Founded in 1979, Fish Aides has progressed into a highly respected, well-known leadership development program and continues to grow each year.
We encourage you to attend one of our Fish Aides Informationals to get to know us better and ask any questions you may have:
- Thursday, September 5th at 8:00 pm in Koldus 144
- Wednesday, September 10th at 5:15 pm in ILCB 226
Applications will be due on September 13th at 11:59 pm. If you have any questions about your application, contact Addison Wimbish at
You will find out if you received a first-round interview on Monday (9/16) by email with instructions on how to sign up for an interview time. Interview sign-ups will be due on Tuesday (9/17) at 11:59 pm. Not everyone will receive a first-round interview. The attire for the first interview will be business casual. (Please contact the Texas A&M Career Closet if you need business casual attire!)
The duties and responsibilities of Fish Aides include:
- Being an active, committed member of the Student Government Committee or Commission to which you are assigned by attending meetings and executing responsibilities with excellence.
- Attending meetings every other week to learn about different facets of leadership, listen to well-respected speakers, and partake in activities to practically build upon leadership skills.
- Paying a one-time fee which is used for Fish Aides apparel, Fall and Spring Retreats, seasonal social gatherings, and other programs and events. (Note: other apparel and the cost of the winter service trip are not included in member dues but are optional for each member).
- Participating in community service opportunities with the organization including, but not limited to Custodian Banquet, the Big Event, and a winter service trip.
- Attending all Fall semester mandatory events found in the member contract (Specific times for these events, as well as dates for other mandatory events will be issued throughout the year)
Please follow us on Instagram: @fishaides for the most up-to-date information throughout the application process.
If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact Addison Wimbish at or at 214-726-6033.
Thank you for applying, and we wish you the very best! We are excited for all that is in store for you during your years at Texas A&M, wherever you may be involved. Thanks, Gig ‘Em, and Welcome to Aggieland!
The Student Government shall not discriminate against, nor give preferential treatment to, any person on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status, prohibiting discrimination based on these factors in any and all forms. Fish Aides’ admissions process can be found in Chapter 104, Article 12, Section 1 of the SGA Code. You have the right to appeal any committee decision to The Judicial Court.