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Company K-1

Founded: 1969-1970
Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)

Mission: The mission of Company K-1 is to develop young men and women into highly professional and academically successful leaders of character that are ready to face the challenges that life will hold for them. Whether you want to become a Army Ranger, a missionary, or a business professional, it is K-1's mission for young men to succeed at anything honorable. Purpose: K-1 achieves its mission by first and foremost promoting academic success at Texas A&M. Furthermore, we promote our mission of developing young men by encouraging involvement in Corps students organizations like Rudders Rangers, Ranger Challenge, and Ross Volunteers as well as non- Corps student organization like Fish Camp, student leadership conferences, and many other clubs. K-1 maintains high discipline in all that the Corps holds valuable and above all we promote professionalism.
