
Desi Aggies

Founded: 2016
Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)

Desi is a term that refers to the South Asian people and culture of the Indian subcontinent and their diaspora... India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The Desi Aggies' mission is to be a bridge for all South Asian organizations to collaborate and work together complement each other to serve the south asian students at Texas A&M. This includes bridging the undergraduate organizations with the graduate student organizations for the common goal of developing desi community and promoting desi cultural diversity. We also provide a weekly inclusive opportunity for all students to meet together over a cup of chai (south asian tea), network with each other, find mutual support, and enjoy desi cultural events. The purpose of DesiAggies will also be to help those who are new from the South Asian countries to integrate into American culture, A&M, with various other student organizations, and still network together while enjoying fellowship with other students from both similar and different ethnic backgrounds.