
LoveWorld Texas A&M University

Founded: 2013
Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)

Howdy Ags! IT'S LOVE. We believe in building a happier world. We believe that Love is the only way. We believe Jesus Christ is the best expression & example of that Love! IT'S FAMILY. We are a family who sees past the outward appearance and has each other in the highs and the seeming lows of life. This is a no-judgment zone, All Aggies accepted! IT'S GLOBAL. LoveWorld TAMU is a chapter within the Texas Region. We are a campus org/church and we are apart of the global Believers' LoveWorld network made up of 1,000+ campus fellowships. Although we find personal development important, sharing love in a tangible way to our world is something we strive to do, no matter how small it is. Head to our website to learn more! Gig'em!'