MSC Aggie Cinema
9 days ago
Closing on Mar 31, 2025 11:59 pm
All Directors have the following responsibilities:
- Attend weekly Executive Team meetings (time TBC) and General Committee meetings (Tuesdays at 7 pm).
- Be a supportive, welcoming, and active member of the MSC Aggie Cinema team.
- Contribute to fall and spring newsletter
- Support the purpose of MSC Aggie Cinema at programs, meetings, socials and when representing Aggie Cinema outside of the organization.
- Demonstrate the values of Texas A&M University and the MSC whenever they are representing MSC Aggie Cinema.
The following Executive Team positions are available:
Vice Chair
- Is the primary contact for all co-program inquiries. Receives emails, identifies need, establishes co-program agreements, and coordinates with the Advisor and/or Exec team to secure a film license and other logistics, as needed.
- Operational Lead for Film Festival: Supervises the Blockbuster, Arthouse, and Classic Directors to ensure Film Festival submissions, selections, and festival schedule is on track.
- With the Chair, invite and liaise with faculty speakers to participate in the Film Festival.
- SOFC Treasurer: approves all SOFC requests, monitors Get Involved Finances, keeps an up to date expense spreadsheet using program receipts
- Attends weekly meetings with the Chair and Advisor
- Acts as a substitute for Chair in emergency situations
Development & Fundraising Director
- Seeks sponsors for the Film Festival by emails, phone calls, and visits to local businesses
- Develops sponsorship tiers with relevant incentives for levels of giving and makes sure sponsors receive the appropriate level of recognition.
- Writes grant requests for Film Festival needs
- Acknowledges Film Festival sponsors with a personal thank you letter.
Legacy Director
- Is the primary contact for all MSC Aggie Cinema Former Students
- Communicates with former students, mostly by email and the appropriate Slack channels, to seek funding for committee operational costs, special events, and the Film Festival.
- Attends MSC Development tailgate events in the fall semester, as needed.
- Writes grant requests to support Aggie Cinema operations and special events.
- Acknowledges donors with a personal thank you letter.
Web Communication & Print Media Director
- Follows the graphic and advertising standards of MSC Aggie Cinema
- Ensures the website is always current with accurate program and committee information.
- Produces graphic designs for member t-shirts, event posters, flyers, and any other printed materials, including, but not limited to: popcorn wrappers, recruitment flyers, and the open house trifold. (Printed material designs are always due 2 weeks before the event or day of distribution.)
- Writes emails for campus wide distribution to highlight every Aggie Cinema screening (email text is due no less than 2 weeks before the date of distribution).
- Collaborates with the Social Media & Advertising Director to ensure printed materials and social media information are cohesive and accurate.
Social Media & Advertising Director
- Follows the graphic and advertising standards of MSC Aggie Cinema
- Plans social media posts in advance to advertise upcoming events, recruit new members, and share news.
- Leads the Reels Subcommittee in the production of innovative and engaging video content for social media distribution.
- Meets with the Reels Subcommittee regularly and includes subcommittee member input in the writing, planning, filming, and editing of video content.
- Collaborates with the Web Communication & Print Media Director to ensure printed materials and social media graphics and videos are cohesive and accurate.
Director of Video Editing
- Follows the graphic and advertising standards of MSC Aggie Cinema
- Supports the Blockbuster, Arthouse, Classic series, and the Film Festival by preparing pre-show videos that include, but are not limited to: trailers of upcoming films, ads for the streaming site, member recruitment, messages for general campus interest, and other entertaining content relevant to each event. (Pre-show videos are due for review to the Advisor and the Director of that program no less than 5 business days prior to the date of the event.
- In Fall: Produces bumper ad trailers for the streaming site (bumper ads play ahead of the selected content). (Bumper ads must be shared with the Streaming Site Director no less than 1 calendar week prior to the event being advertised.)
- This position may assist the Social Media & Advertising Director in emergencies.
Streaming Site Manager
- Is the primary contact with Swank Residence Life Cinema to maintain the streaming site
- Updates site categories and visuals to highlight special events, awareness months, holidays, or other thematic changes.
- Uploads bumper ads, provided by the Director of Video Editing, in a timely manner (bumper ads must run no less than 5 business days prior to the date of the event.)
- Customizes monthly polls that allow students to select new movies each month, and shares poll links with the Social Media & Advertising Director for distribution on the MSC Aggie Cinema social media sites.
- Reviews poll results and sends monthly selections to Swank Residence Life Cinema.
- In the event of site problems, communicates with Swank Residence Life Cinema and MSC Advisor immediately to troubleshoot and find a resolution.
Student Development Director
- Is the primary contact and source of information for all current and prospective members of MSC Aggie Cinema.
- Reserves informational and weekly meeting rooms with UCEN for the upcoming semester (spring reservations open October 15 and fall reservations open April 1).
- Plans and leads the weekly member meeting activities, with assistance from the Chair and Executive team as needed.
- Organizes recruitment events (like Open House), social events, committee retreats, the end of year banquet/awards ceremony, Big Event participation, and other member activities, as needed.
- Communicates information about upcoming meeting agendas, locations, and minutes with all members using the appropriate Slack channels.
- Keeps track of member points.
- Get Involved Member Management: Updates the MSC Aggie Cinema new and returning member applications annually. Manages the MSC Aggie Cinema roster in a timely manner.
Director of Blockbuster
Fall Semester
- Collaborates with the rest of the Exec team to advertise the upcoming Blockbuster screenings using print, graphics, video, tabling, yard signs and more.
- Leads the Blockbuster subcommittee members at meetings and screenings.
- Completes the post-event budget and evaluation form for each Blockbuster Film event.
Spring Semester
- Supports the Film Festival by reviewing film submissions for the Blockbuster subcommittee’s assigned genre.
- Communicates with Film Festival artists to ensure every aspect of their submission is complete.
- Leads the Blockbuster subcommittee in selecting the genre winner(s).
- Collaborates with the Arthouse and Classics Directors to secure room locations and schedule film festival talks/workshops and screenings.
- Writes Get Involved Program proposal for fall and spring programs (including series and Film Festival).
Director of Arthouse
Fall Semester
- Collaborates with the rest of the Exec team to advertise the upcoming Arthouse screenings using print, graphics, video, tabling, yard signs and more.
- Leads the Arthouse subcommittee members at meetings and screenings.
- Completes the post-event budget and evaluation form for each Arthouse Film event.
Spring Semester
- Supports the Film Festival by reviewing film submissions for the Arthouse subcommittee’s assigned genre.
- Communicates with Film Festival artists to ensure every aspect of their submission is complete.
- Leads the Arthouse subcommittee in selecting the genre winner(s).
- Collaborates with the Blockbuster and Classics Directors to secure room locations and schedule film festival talks/workshops and screenings.
- Writes Get Involved Program proposal for fall and spring programs (including series and FIlm Festival).
Director of Classics
Fall Semester
- Collaborates with the rest of the Exec team to advertise the upcoming Classic screenings using print, graphics, video, tabling, yard signs and more.
- Leads the Classic subcommittee members at meetings and screenings.
- Completes the post-event budget and evaluation form for each Classic Film event.
Spring Semester
- Supports the Film Festival by reviewing film submissions for the Classic subcommittee’s assigned genre.
- Communicates with Film Festival artists to ensure every aspect of their submission is complete.
- Leads the Classic subcommittee in selecting the genre winner(s).
- Collaborates with the Arthouse and and Classics Directors to secure room locations and schedule film festival talks/workshops and screenings.
- Writes Get Involved Program proposal for fall and spring programs (including series and Film Festival).