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Ratio Christi

Reading the Bible As It Was Meant to Be Read

Ratio Christi Large Group Meeting

  • When

    Thursday, January 30, 2025 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

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  • Where

    Memorial Student Center Room 1400


“The Bible” is one of the most revered books of all time, and its contents are foundational to Christian doctrine. But why do Christians disagree as to the meaning of the Bible? Join us Thursday night as we discuss the various ways Christians have interpreted the Bible throughout history. Together, we will attack the Gordian Knot of Christian Hermeneutics and build a coherent framework for interpreting the Bible today.

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All Occurrences

  1. Reading the Bible As It Was Meant to Be Read | Ratio Christi Large Group Meeting

    Memorial Student Center Room 1400
  2. Making Sense of Slavery in the Bible | Slavery and God’s Moral Law

    Memorial Student Center Room 1400

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Ratio Christi

Ratio Christi serves to defend the Christian faith in honest dialogue with both our skeptical & believing friends at Texas A&M. Together, we investigate the historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for the truth, rationality, and significance of the message of Jesus Christ. All faiths, questions, and objections welcome!

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